Friday, June 25, 2010

The Road goes Ever on and On...: In the Beginning..

The Road goes Ever on and On...: In the Beginning..: " the beginning there's always light and i guess in light there's hope. Hope to change your life, hope to correct your mistakes, hop..."

In the Beginning.. the beginning there's always light and i guess in light there's hope. Hope to change your life, hope to correct your mistakes, hope to make things better in general. I've been working on that part, trying to make myself physically better and have succeeded to a point, losing 10 pounds. I know i can do more and will continue to stick to my routine and diet and will hopefully continue to shed pounds.
To anyone reading this, i urge you to keep fighting the good fight, never let despair get a hold of you, or pull you down. People, news, weather and sometime even friends try and bring you down, but i've learned the only way they can bring you down is if you let them. Be happy in small victories and overtime they will grow into big ones. I'll try and keep posting here, and who knows, maybe i can share some insight or info into things, whether it be weight loss, or just life in general. I wish you all the best...
